Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Ana Absolute

make sure to follow/friend Anastasia Absolute on Facebook HERE )

Johanna is my muse

I have recently been trying some different technique with my art, including using a mix of water color paint and ink pens. Here is an attempt at using both mediums featuring my awesome and gorgeous muse, Johanna Saavedra (find her on Facebook HERE )

Life as a Transgender Woman

I feel like I am a very blessed person to be able to call Johanna Saavedra one of my best and favorite online-friends. She recently posted this paragraph on her FB page, and i felt it was worth sharing here on my blog. 

Hi my name is
Johanna Saavedra
and I just want to say that I am really happy
and proud to be Trans Latina woman immigrant from Guadalajara Mexico I came to the USA from Mexico when I was only 18 years old when I left my country
although I am afraid for my wellbeing every day in my life
and existence
here in the USA
because of all the hate and ignorants from
mostly all the people who don't know of us Trans
I thought Coming to Unites States was going to be t
Better for my life
supposedly here we all have rights
and I do not
only speak for myself I speak for all my transgender sisters all over the world
who had experience that and any type of discrimination, hate, humiliation,
I like to also mention all the Beautiful and amazing people
the ones can't speak for them selfs and all the others that already left us or some on kill them
I really hope someday I can see in my own eyes that life for us Trans people will gets better
I can only hope
That I can see that then I Will be really happy that all my Trans gender youth sisters will be living in a much better world than me
Johanna Saavedra💋😘💕🙏🏽😍😇💐🌎

Make sure that you follow her on Facebook HERE...