Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sarina Valentina Fanart

Art Inspired by one of the biggest TS pornstars in the world, Sarina Valentina. 

A Rant about Comic Covers

As anyone who has read comic books knows, the first factor in buying a comic is the cover, especially if it is a series you have never read before. In today's industry there are some amazing beautiful covers being produced, some of them so beautiful they would look at home in a fancy fine-art gallery. Heck, in today's world, there are artists who have dedicated their entire career to just doing cover art for comics. But part of me misses the days when a comic book cover was actually part of the story! I can remember being a kid, leafing thru the comic-spinner at the local walden's bookstore trying to find the perfect cover that would inspire me to open the book. Now as a much more mature comic fan I own several volumes of Marvel's Essential trades, and DC's Showcase presents trades, and falling in love with the older comics and the cover art that just screams "pick me up!". I am sure that people who actually work in the industry can argue why either type of cover art is a pro or a con, but i know i would love to see the return of the more story-based covers, even if they became part of the variant cover market.

Queen Of Hearts

Fangirls Love Batman

Fishnet Love

Friday, March 21, 2014

Cute Nerds

#symbiote30 @marvel

it's hard to believe that one of the fan-favorites, Venom, is turning 30. I can remember being a kid and seeing the black costume, thinking that it was so cool looking. The stark contrast of the black and white costume was so beautiful, and drew my young eye. The black costume was introduced with in the miniseries Secret Wars and became a major hit for the company. Over time it turned out the costume was actually a symbiote that was planning to use Spider-man's life force. With the help of Reed Richards (and a giant church bell) Spidey was able to remove the symbiote because of a weakness to sound waves. Over time the costume was eventually bonded with  Eddie Brock (a disgruntled co-worker of Peter's) and because of their mutual hatred of Spidey, they became a real thorn in Spidey's heroic side.


pinup cutie

Sunday, March 16, 2014

My favorite half-irish model, Nikki Tanikawa

 Who's ready for green beer, with some corned beef? If you aren't, then you should get ready, cause St Patrick's Day is almost on us! A good way to celebrate is for you to Nikki Tanikawa's BLOG cause this beautiful transexual is half-irish (she's also half-japanese).

Help the wonderful Eva Cassini!

This is a post from Eva Cassini's FB page about her butt-lift-campaign:

You may donate any amount you please. Either $1 or $69. Either $3 or $1K. The amount is up to you. All help is greatly treasured. This Fundraiser ends in 30 Days and I still need the goal amount of $7,000. So far I have raise $165. you can't contribute, please spread the word and the link around, and maybe someone you know could spare something. Thank you! 

Fetish love

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Help With Eva Cassini's Brazilian Butt-lift!!

Do the world of porn a favor and help Eva Cassini with her brazilian buttlift! She has started a fundraiser campaign and every dollar counts! Give as much (or as little) as you can, because every cent is appreciated! Please click the link below!

Eva's Buttlift Campaign

Kiss Nikki, she's half-irish!

Some more fanart of my gorgeous friend Nikki Tanikawa. Since St. Patrick's Day is coming up, I thought i would post this drawing, cause Nikki is actually half-irish (her other half is japanese). Make sure you take the time and check out her blog HERE!