Sunday, March 9, 2014

Batman Vs Superman

Talk about a battle that has been waged since the beginning of comic-book history. Superman and Batman are 2 of the very first superheroes to come out of comicbooks, both impacting the media for over 75 years. Comic book readers have spent hours and hours arguing over who would win in a battle , and coming in the next few years, DC/Warner Bro.s is hoping to bring that fantasy to the big screen.

Marvel and Disney have already did something similar with The Avengers, combining the characters from 4 seperate films to make a super-team, and I will admit, it was VERY impressive. The action (and city wide destruction) was epic, capturing the imaginations of many film-goers. As impressive as The Avengers was, I can only imagine how big Batman/Superman is going to be. The main figures in The Avengers are all amazing characters, but for quite a few members of the team, the general public was fairly ignorant about their comic history. That is really the difference between the 2 ideas. Superman and Batman are nearly known by anyone existing in the world. It's kind of like if Mickey Mouse, and Bugs Bunny were to meet on the same silver-screen.

All I know is, we will see how amazing and epic the stories will be as the 2 movie universes start to unfold. I know I will be watching with a big smile on my face!!!

1 comment:

  1. Way long ago, and I'm not about to say HOW long ago, a neighbor brought a big box of 'something' over to the house. Their son, about five years my senior had gone away to,college and they had cleaned out his room. I opened the box to find about 50 Batman comics, about 50 Mad Magazines and almost as many Creepy and Eerie comic books. That was the fall I learned to love to read. Apologies to Hemingway and Dickens.
