Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Short Question: Paige Stone

Name: Paige Stone

Age: 31

Do you have a website?

What is the website address?

How did you first come across my art? Can't remember how I found your art

What comic company is your fav? I like the

Favorite Comic Character?

If you could have a super-power what would you want? Already have a superpower,I can make a person submissive with just one look.

Latex or Leather? Leather

If you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would you choose and why? If I could have dinner with anyone from History it would be either Betty Page or Marilyn Manroe because they were strong passionate woman.

Favorite Color? Favourite colour is black

If someone made a movie about your life, who would you choose to play yourself? Here's my answers
Paige Stone
Already have a superpower,I can make a person submissive with just one look.
I like the
If I could have dinner with anyone from History it would be either Betty Page or Marilyn Manroe because they were strong passionate woman.
Favourite colour is black
Can't remember how I found your art
If I got someone to play me in a movie maybe Angelina Joliet,she's inspiring and a beautiful woman with power
Do you have any nick-names?

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