Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Short Question: Tawni Bonds

Name:  Tawni Katherine Bonds

Age:  Old enough to know better, young enough to not care!

Do you have a website? I do:

What is the website address?

How did you first come across my art? I made friends with you on the internet and you very shyly showed me one of your drawings.  I was so impressed with the lines, the image, the sensuality, the beauty and sensitivity of what you drew…  I am just so glad that you have opened up and let the rest of the world see your amazing art.

What comic company is your fav?  The one that has super girl and wonder woman!  They’re hot.

Favorite Comic Character?  For me it is the girls in the Archie comics… they first got me wondering and wanting to be a femme fatale…Betty and veronica… I always wanted to be Veronica and never understood why she was looked down upon… she was sexy, stylish and beautiful.

If you could have a super-power what would you want? The ability to shape change  so I could always be curvy and amazing – if that doesn’t count as a super power then I would want to be able to read minds… if that doesn’t count then flying.

Latex or Leather?  Definitely Leather

If you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would you choose and why?  Marilyn Monroe so I could try to understand her to know if she really knew the power she had or was just faking it – being naieve or just playing people.

Favorite Color?  Purple.

If someone made a movie about your life, who would you choose to play yourself?  A young Jane Fonda or Nicole Kidman

Do you have any nick-names?  Kat

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